Cara Cepat Mendapatkan Bitcoin Dari Bermain Game

Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang cara cepat mendapatkan Bitcoin dengan cara bermain game.
Memang ada banyak cara untuk kita mengumpulkan bitcoin seperti  mendapatkan bitcoin dengan cara situs faucet, Investasi HYPI, Doublebot, Revenue Share, dan masih banyak lagi cara lain.

Namun kali ini kita akan membahas cara cepat mendapatkan Bitcoin dari game.
siapa yang tidak senang bermain game, kita semua pasti senang dalam bermain game baik untuk mengisi waktu luang atau sudah menjadi hobi.
Nah jika hobi atau anda senang  bermain game, mungkin ini adalah game yang tepat untuk anda karna selain melepas kan jenuh namun anda juga bisa mendapatkan uang dari bermain game Disini

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan uang dari game ini ?
Cara nya sangat mudah, namun sebaik nya kita kunjungi terlebih dahulu situs game nya disini dan kita bisa langsung mendaftar disana Gratis.

Setelah mendaftar, apa yang harus dilakukan ?
Jika kita sudah mendaftar kemudian Login dengan nama, email dan password yang sudah kita daftar tadi kemudian pilih permainan yang akan kita mainkan.
Bagi Admin mengungkapbisnis.blogspot sendiri lebih senang dengan bermain game Bubble Shoter, kita pasti sudah tahu cara bermain game bubble yaitu mencocokan/menyusun bola-bola sesuai dengan warna nya.

Berapa uang yang bisa kita dapatkan dari game ini?
Untuk penghasilan kita tidak berani untuk menentukan besarnya penghasilan seseorang dari bermain game ini karna semua itu tergantung dengan ke aktifan dan level yang sudah kita capai.
Namun Admin sendiri bisa menghasilkan 25.000 satoshi dalam beberapa jam saja dengan level 10.
Dan jika kita sudah memiliki 50.000 satoshi di akun kita, maka kita bisa mencairkan nya ke (Bebas biaya transaksi) dan proses pembayaran sangat cepat dalam hitungan menit saja.

Perkiraan penghasilan yang bisa di dapat
Ini hanya contoh perkiraan dari kita saja ya J
Misal nya kita bisa menghasilkan minimal 25.000 per hari, berapa yang kita dapatkan jika sebulan?
25.000 * 30 = 750.000 satoshi
Jika kita bisa mengajak 10 orang teman bermain juga maka kita juga akan dapat komisi dari mereka yang kita ajak sebesar 10% dari setiap penghasilan mereka.
Contoh : Misalkan kita ajak 10 orang dan setiap 1 orang menghasilkan 25.000 satoshi per hari :
10 * 25.000 * 10% = 25.000 satoshi
Jadi kita bisa dapatkan 50.000 satoshi per hari dari penghasilan kita 25.000 + 25.000 dari penghasilan orang yang di ajak dan kita bisa meminta pembayaran sebesar 50.000 satoshi setiap hari nya.
Jika sebulan kita aktif bermain maka kita bisa mendapatkan penghasilan sebesar 1.500.000 satoshi setiap bulan nya.
Untuk mencapai 1 Bitcoin kita hanya membutuhkan 100.000.000 satoshi dan harga untuk 1 Bitcoin saat ini adalah $600 atau sekitar 7 juta rupiah.
Jadi dengan hanya bermain game saja kita juga bisa menghasilkan uang kan.hehe

Berikut Bukti Pembayaran yang sudah Admin terima 

Demikian pembahasan singkat kita kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.
Kita sangat senang jika anda bisa meluangkan waktu untuk meninggalkan komentar anda dibawah.

The Best PTC Paying

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New PTC And Get Bonus Free

New PTC Paying !!!

This is New PTC (Pay To Click) Launching Paying and Get Bonus Free for Sign Up :
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Make Money Online Free (Recomended)

What is Clixsense and how can make money with it?
Clixsense is one of the oldest (online since 2007) paid to click site. Paid To Click sites are the Internets recent best money making program. It is the easiest and best way of earning money online without any investment. No skill is needed for this business, just login and view Ads daily and get paid
  • No Investment
  • Any one can do this job

Many people argue that you can’t make a lot of money on Clixsense, but speaking from my own experience – these people just don’t have the right strategy and give up too soon.

Step 1 : Signup to Clixsense Free

The first thing you need is (of course) a Clixsense login. If you don’t already have one, then first get a free one now. There is no fee for making account on clixsense. Just click on the banner bellow to create a free account on clixsense so that i can guide you properly.
Provide some basic information about yourself and click the Signup Now button.
after you click on sign up button, go to you email and verify your account
Now that was easy, wasn’t it? Let’s get started and make some money on clixsense!
You can earn on clixsense in five ways:
  • Bye View Ad
  • By Completing Surveys
  • By Completing Offers
  • By Completing Tasks
  • By reffering other people

Step 2 : Click the paid to  click ads on Clixsense

First of all, you need to click all the paid to click ads available on clixsense. I know that this might seem like a useless activity since you won’t get a lot of money by doing that, but I will show you later that it isn’t useless at all. Go ahead now, click the View Ads button and watch all the ads.

The captchas you need to solve on clixsense are really easy (find the cat and click on it) so this shouldn’t take much time.

Step 3 : Complete the survey available on Clixsense

Should it be the case that you still have some time on your hands, you can fill out surveys on clixsense and get a nice earnings boost. But be warned, you need to answer truthfully otherwise you won’t get paid. If you can’t complete a survey, don’t be frustrated.It happens. Just try your luck with another one.

Step 4 : Completing the Offers on Clixsense
Not only with surveys can you make some money on clixense but also with offers. On an average day you can easily get $2 or more. Let’s head over to the offer section and look for offers that are easy to complete, such as watching videos, downloading apps to your phone, signing up for newsletters or playing games. I just downloaded a few apps to my phone, played two games and already made $2. Easy money!
First make sure to clear your cookies and browser data before you try one of the offers on clixsense. That way you will get credited more easily and without needing to contact the support.

you have some money to spend, you should watch out for casino offers which require you to spend around $20 in the casino and pay you around $40 on clixense. That’s $20 pure profit and you can also keep the winnings from the casino. Most of the time you need to contact the offer wall support and provide some proof to get credited, so don’t forget to make a few screenshot.

Step 5 : Completing Tasks On Clixsense
In the beginning of this clixsense guide I promised you that I will show you how to make some decent extra money, so now is the time to do that. Let’s check out the Tasks section.
If you are just starting out and you have never done CrowdFlower tasks, you won’t see many available tasks. Maybe there isn’t a single one. Don’t worry, just check the section often.
Let’s assume you have a job available. All you need to do now is, click on the job name, login to yourCrowdFlower account (if you don’t have one yet, it will be created for you) and you are good to go.

After you are signed in, read the instructions very carefully and begin working on the job. Please make sure not to rush things. You need to keep a certain accuracy level. If you answer too many test questions wrong, you will get kicked from the job! like below
You get access to better paid tasks after you have done a few low level ones. To check your current level and the requirements for a level up, check out the CrowdFlower website.
you consistently keep doing tasks you will get some really good ones and can make descent money with them!
There is also a weekly contest with a total price money of $100. So if you are under the top 10 task workers of a week you can win $2 – $50 depending on your position. Isn’t that awesome?

Step 6 : Get the Extra Bonus Clixsense
As you can see, you can get 2 extra bonuses on your daily checklist on clixsense. To get the Activity Bonus you need to complete your daily checklist every day for 3 days in a row. Now that’s easy, right? In order to get the ClixAddon Bonus all you need to do is install the clixsense browser addon – which is really nice to have because you will get notified about new ads, surveys and tasks right in your browser.
Never miss a chance to make some extra money!
To must download the addon, click on the ClixAddon button at the top of the page and choose which browser you use.
You get the highest bonus now on clixsense, nice!
Step 7 : Play the ClixGrid Game On Clixsense
Now it’s time for more ad clicking, yeah! As with the paid to click ads, you will learn later on why this is needed. Go to the ClixGrid section and grab you lucky charm.

– for some reason – you come along a website offering you a ClixGrid hack or some special ClixGrid trick, it’s 100% a scam or a virus. There is no trick – you just need to be lucky.

Step 8 : Complete the daily checklist 
As you might have noticed already, there is a Daily Checklist Bonus that you can complete in order to earn up to 16% bonus on your daily earnings. To get this massive earnings boost you need to view ads (already done), play the ClixGrid game (already done), complete 10 tasks or 2 offers and visit the forum.
Many Clixsense members don’t know how easy it is to complete the 2 offers, so let me show you. All you do is to click on the Watch Videos boxes right above the checklist, watch a few videos and your checklist is complete. It’s that easy!
The only thing that’s left is to visit the forum. That’s simple – just click on the Forum link. Now you should have a complete checklist, congratulations.
Before we start making some real money in the offer and task section, you should get all the extra bonuses you can get.
Step 9 : Upgrade to Premium Account
Since you are reading this clixsense strategy guide for some time now, you should have a pretty good idea about how much money you can make at clixsense. To get the most out of it you should definitely consider upgrading to a premium account. This will give you double checklist bonus 16% , and also get paid higher referral commission. If you ask me, the higher Daily Checklist Bonus alone is worth the upgrade!

Step 10 : Try to Get Refferals
Now that you know everything about clixsense and how to utilize the power of this site, you should tell your friends about it. The referral commissions are really high and you can even build a downline of 8 levels with a premium account!
You can find you affiliate link on the main page and clixsense even provides you with banners and splash pages that you can use to advertise it.

Step 11 : Cashout your Earnings
After all the hard work it’s time to cash out your earnings. When you reach $8 ($6 as a premium member) you can request a cash out, which will be paid Mondays and Fridays.
My payment from clixsense was on time, as always.

The available payment processors are PaypalPaytooPayza or even a Check.
So if you want make money from Clixsense, you can Signup here

Cara Mendapatkan Uang Gratis 2016

Salam sejahtera sahabat bisnis, berjumpa lagi kita di pembahasan kali ini.
Kali ini kita akan membahas bisnis online gratis 2016, ya bisnis ini Gratis dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa pun yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan Online hehe…
Bisnis gratis yang kita maksudkan adalah Media Sosial bernama Commhubb, mungkin media social ini masih asing terdengar oleh kita namun sebenar nya media social ini sudah lama diluncurkan namun mungkin kurang nya publikasi jadi jarang sekali tertengar oleh kita.
Langsung saja ke inti pembahasan kita, untuk mendapatkan uang dari MedSos Commhubb ini terdengar sangat mudah.

Kenapa demiakian ?

Karena untuk bisa menghasilkan uang dari MedSos Commhubb kita cukup mengajak atau mencari teman untuk bergabung di MedSos Commhubb, itu saja tugas kita.
Jadi setelah kita mendaftar di Commhubb, jangan lupa sebarkan Url link kita ke teman,keluarga dan siapa pun.

Untuk penghasilan yang bisa kita dapatkan dari Commhubb bisa dibilang sangat besar, karena jika kita berhasil mengajak atau arang yang bergabung melalui Url link kita maka kita akan mendapatkan bayaran sebesar $1 per 1 orang yang berhasil bergabung.
Untuk Proses penarikan uang di Commhubb adalah minimal sebesar $20, jadi untuk mencapai angka minimal penarikan kita cukup mengajak 20 orang untuk bergabung melalui kita. Jika lebih, itu lebih baik J

Untuk bisa bergabung di Commhubb ini, kita harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu DISINI dan itu Gratis.

Berikut langkah-langkah mendaftar di Commhubb :
1. Kunjungi situs Resmi nya => Commhubb

2. Pilih menu JOIN  :

3. Isi nama dan sebagai nya seperti contoh dibawah :

4. Cek E-mail kita dari Staff Commhubb dan Klik Url yang diberikan melalui Email tersebut.

5. Sekarang akun kita sudah aktif dan Login dengan Email dan password yang sudah kita daftarkan tadi.

6. Proses pendaftaran kita sudah sukses.

Nah sekarang tugas kita ialah menyebarkan Url Link kita sebanyak-banyak nya ke teman,keluarga dan siapa saja yang ingin bergabung.

Setelah itu kita tinggal menunggu hasil nya setiap hari :)
Bagaimana, cukup mudah bukan ?!
Oke, sekian pembahasan kita kali ini dan jika ada saran/komentar silahkan tinggalkan komentar dibawah :)